[Unity3D] TEXT RPG 요소 추가 툴 (JSON I/O)

[Unity3D] TEXT RPG 요소 추가 툴 (JSON I/O)


게임 요소 추가를 기획자가 편하게 하기 위해 만든 간단한 툴입니다.





GitHub - rhkd2612/Text_Rougelike_Design_Tool: 게임요소 간단 추가를 위한 기획자용 툴 with json I/O

게임요소 간단 추가를 위한 기획자용 툴 with json I/O. Contribute to rhkd2612/Text_Rougelike_Design_Tool development by creating an account on GitHub.




JSON 입출력 방식을 사용하였기 때문에 코드 참고바랍니다.

(솔코딩이라 귀차니즘이 묻어나오는..ㅎㅎㅋㅋ)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

public class Serialization<T>
    List<T> target;
    public List<T> ToList() { return target; }

    public Serialization(List<T> target)
        this.target = target;

public class Info
    public string code;
    public string name;
    public string explain;

    public virtual void Print() { }

    public virtual void SaveInJson() { }

    public virtual void Serialize() { }

    public virtual void DeSerialize() { }

public class Stat : Info
    public bool isDefaultStat;

    public Stat()
        code = "";
        name = "";
        explain = "";
        isDefaultStat = true;

    public Stat(string c, string n, string e, bool isDefault = true)
        code = c;
        name = n;
        explain = e;
        isDefaultStat = isDefault;

    public override void Print()
        Debug.Log("Code = " + code);
        Debug.Log("Name = " + name);
        Debug.Log("Explain = " + explain);
        Debug.Log("isDefaultStat = " + isDefaultStat);

    public override void Serialize()


public class Event : Info
    public string selection;
    public bool onlyOneTimeShown;
    public SortedList<string, bool> showEvents;

    public List<string> showEventsKeys;
    public List<bool> showEventsValues;

    public Event()
        code = "";
        name = "";
        explain = "";
        selection = "";
        onlyOneTimeShown = true;
        showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();
        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public Event(string c, string n, string e, string s, bool ots = true)
        code = c;
        name = n;
        explain = e;
        selection = s;
        onlyOneTimeShown = ots;
        showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();
        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public override void Print()
        Debug.Log("Code = " + code);
        Debug.Log("Name = " + name);
        Debug.Log("Explain = " + explain);
        Debug.Log("Selection = " + selection);

        if (showEvents.Count > 0)
            foreach (var idx in showEvents)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("showEvents[{0}] = {1}", idx.Key, idx.Value));

    public override void Serialize()
        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

        foreach (var c in showEvents)

    public override void DeSerialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < showEventsKeys.Count; i++)
            showEvents[showEventsKeys[i]] = showEventsValues[i];

public class Item : Info
    public bool isConsume = false;
    public bool isShownAllScenes = false;
    public SortedList<string, int> statDegree;
    public SortedList<string, bool> showEvents;

    public List<string> statDegreeKeys;
    public List<int> statDegreeValues;
    public List<string> showEventsKeys;
    public List<bool> showEventsValues;

    public Item()
        code = "";
        name = "";
        explain = "";
        statDegree = new SortedList<string, int>();
        showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();

        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public Item(string c, string n, string e, SortedList<string, int> sD, SortedList<string, bool> cO, bool isC, bool isS)
        isConsume = isC;
        isShownAllScenes = isS;
        code = c;
        name = n;
        explain = e;
        statDegree = sD;
        showEvents = cO;

        if (sD == null)
            statDegree = new SortedList<string, int>();
            statDegree = sD;

        if (cO == null)
            showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();
            showEvents = cO;

        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public override void Print()
        Debug.Log("Code = " + code);
        Debug.Log("Name = " + name);
        Debug.Log("Explain = " + explain);
        Debug.Log("isConsume = " + isConsume);
        Debug.Log("isShownAllScenes" + isShownAllScenes);

        if (statDegree.Count > 0)
            foreach (var idx in statDegree)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("statDegree[{0}] = {1}", idx.Key, idx.Value));

        if (showEvents.Count > 0)
            foreach (var idx in showEvents)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("showEvents[{0}] = {1}", idx.Key, idx.Value));

    public override void Serialize()
        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

        foreach (var c in statDegree)

        foreach (var c in showEvents)

    public override void DeSerialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < statDegreeKeys.Count; i++)
            statDegree[statDegreeKeys[i]] = statDegreeValues[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < showEventsKeys.Count; i++)
            showEvents[showEventsKeys[i]] = showEventsValues[i];

public class Character : Info
    public SortedList<string, int> statDegree;
    public SortedList<string, bool> showEvents;

    public List<string> statDegreeKeys;
    public List<int> statDegreeValues;
    public List<string> showEventsKeys;
    public List<bool> showEventsValues;

    public Character()
        code = "";
        name = "";
        explain = "";
        statDegree = new SortedList<string, int>();
        showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();

        showEvents["0"] = true;

        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public Character(string c, string n, string e, SortedList<string, int> sD, SortedList<string, bool> cO)
        code = c;
        name = n;
        explain = e;
        statDegree = sD;
        showEvents = cO;

        if (sD == null)
            statDegree = new SortedList<string, int>();
            statDegree = sD;

        if (cO == null)
            showEvents = new SortedList<string, bool>();
            showEvents = cO;

        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

    public override void Print()
        Debug.Log("Code = " + code);
        Debug.Log("Name = " + name);
        Debug.Log("Explain = " + explain);

        if (statDegree.Count > 0)
            foreach (var idx in statDegree)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("statDegree[{0}] = {1}", idx.Key, idx.Value));

        if (showEvents.Count > 0)
            foreach (var idx in showEvents)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("showEvents[{0}] = {1}", idx.Key, idx.Value));

    public override void Serialize()
        statDegreeKeys = new List<string>();
        statDegreeValues = new List<int>();

        showEventsKeys = new List<string>();
        showEventsValues = new List<bool>();

        foreach (var c in statDegree)

        foreach (var c in showEvents)

    public override void DeSerialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < statDegreeKeys.Count; i++)
            statDegree[statDegreeKeys[i]] = statDegreeValues[i];

        for (int i = 0; i < showEventsKeys.Count; i++)
            showEvents[showEventsKeys[i]] = showEventsValues[i];

public class JsonManager : MonoBehaviour
    private static JsonManager instance = null;

    public SortedList<string, Info> statsList;
    public SortedList<string, Info> itemsList;
    public SortedList<string, Info> charsList;
    public SortedList<string, Info> eventsList;

    List<Stat> jStatList = new List<Stat>();
    List<Item> jItemList = new List<Item>();
    List<Character> jCharList = new List<Character>();
    List<Event> jEventList = new List<Event>();

    public List<SortedList<string, Info>> sLists = new List<SortedList<string, Info>>();

    public string statFileName = "StatInfo";
    public string itemFileName = "ItemsInfo";
    public string charFileName = "CharsInfo";
    public string eventFileName = "EventsInfo";

    public static JsonManager Instance
            if (instance == null)
                return null;
            return instance;

    void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;

        statsList = new SortedList<string, Info>();
        itemsList = new SortedList<string, Info>();
        charsList = new SortedList<string, Info>();
        eventsList = new SortedList<string, Info>();


        if (System.IO.File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, statFileName)))
            Debug.Log("StatJsonFile Exists");

            var str = LoadJsonFileWithString(Application.dataPath, statFileName);
            jStatList = JsonUtility.FromJson<Serialization<Stat>>(str).ToList();

            foreach (var stat in jStatList)
                statsList.Add(stat.code, stat);
            Debug.Log("StatJsonFile Not Exist");

            statsList["HP"] = new Stat("HP", "체력", "많이 맞을 수 있다", false);
            statsList["POWER"] = new Stat("POWER", "공격력", "많이 때릴 수 있다", false);

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, itemFileName)))
            Debug.Log("ItemJsonFile Exists");

            var str = LoadJsonFileWithString(Application.dataPath, itemFileName);
            jItemList = JsonUtility.FromJson<Serialization<Item>>(str).ToList();

            foreach (var item in jItemList)
                itemsList.Add(item.code, item);
            Debug.Log("ItemJsonFile Not Exist");

            itemsList["temp1"] = new Item("temp1", "임시 아이템이다.", "아이템 그렇게 만드는 거 아닌데", null, null,false,false);

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, charFileName)))
            Debug.Log("CharJsonFile Exists");

            var str = LoadJsonFileWithString(Application.dataPath, charFileName);
            jCharList = JsonUtility.FromJson<Serialization<Character>>(str).ToList();

            foreach (var character in jCharList)
                charsList.Add(character.code, character);
            Debug.Log("CharJsonFile Not Exist");

            charsList["백수"] = new Character("백수", "임시 직업이다.", "직업 그렇게 만드는 거 아닌데", null, null);

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, eventFileName)))
            Debug.Log("EventJsonFile Exists");

            var str = LoadJsonFileWithString(Application.dataPath, eventFileName);
            jEventList = JsonUtility.FromJson<Serialization<Event>>(str).ToList();

            foreach (var e in jEventList)
                eventsList.Add(e.code, e);
            Debug.Log("EventJsonFile Not Exist");

            eventsList["1-1"] = new Event("1-1", "의문의 방", "의문의 방이다\n 왠지싸늘하다\n \"어라.. 여긴 어디..?\"", "[1:주위를 둘러본다][2:문으로나간다]",true);

    string ObjectToJson(object obj)
        return JsonUtility.ToJson(obj);

    T JsonToOject<T>(string jsonData)
        return JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(jsonData);

    void CreateJsonFile(string createPath, string fileName, string jsonData)
        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", createPath, fileName), FileMode.Append);
        byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonData);
        fileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

    T LoadJsonFile<T>(string loadPath, string fileName)
        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", loadPath, fileName), FileMode.Open);
        byte[] data = new byte[fileStream.Length];
        fileStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
        string jsonData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
        return JsonUtility.FromJson<T>(jsonData);

    string LoadJsonFileWithString(string loadPath, string fileName)
        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", loadPath, fileName), FileMode.Open);
        byte[] data = new byte[fileStream.Length];
        fileStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
        string jsonData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
        return jsonData;

    public void JsonDataSave()
        string jsonData = string.Empty;

        #region STAT_SAVE
        foreach (var cur in statsList)
            Stat iCur = (Stat)cur.Value;



        jsonData = ObjectToJson(new Serialization<Stat>(jStatList));
        CreateJsonFile(Application.dataPath, statFileName, jsonData);

        #region ITEM_SAVE
        foreach (var cur in itemsList)
            Item iCur = (Item)cur.Value;


        jsonData = ObjectToJson(new Serialization<Item>(jItemList));
        CreateJsonFile(Application.dataPath, itemFileName, jsonData);

        #region CHARACTER_SAVE
        foreach (var cur in charsList)
            Character iCur = (Character)cur.Value;


        jsonData = ObjectToJson(new Serialization<Character>(jCharList));
        CreateJsonFile(Application.dataPath, charFileName, jsonData);

        #region EVENT_SAVE
        foreach (var cur in eventsList)
            Event iCur = (Event)cur.Value;



        jsonData = ObjectToJson(new Serialization<Event>(jEventList));
        CreateJsonFile(Application.dataPath, eventFileName, jsonData);

    void DeleteAllFiles()
        jStatList = new List<Stat>();
        jItemList = new List<Item>();
        jCharList = new List<Character>();
        jEventList = new List<Event>();

        if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, statFileName)))
            File.Delete(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, statFileName));

        if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, itemFileName)))
            File.Delete(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, itemFileName));

        if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, charFileName)))
            File.Delete(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, charFileName));

        if (File.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, eventFileName)))
            File.Delete(string.Format("{0}/{1}.json", Application.dataPath, eventFileName));


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